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Capitol Reef Natural History Association (CRNHA) is a non-profit association created to aid and promote the historical, cultural, scientific, and educational activities of Capitol Reef National Park and the National Park Service through the donations of proceeds from the sale of publications and other interpretive materials made available to park visitors, the general public, other federal agencies and businesses.  It also supports research, interpretation and conservation programs for Capitol Reef National Park and the National Park Service.

CRNHA provides approximately $250,000 in aid annually.  This funding provides supplemental information desk and visitor center staffing and paid for free publications and pre-publications expenses related to the development of new sales publications.  It also provides support for several cultural interpretation special events, new books for the park library, and supplies and services to support the park's interpretation, education outreach, volunteer programs and scientific research projects.

Employees of  CRNHA operate the Historic Gifford Farmhouse, which serves as a focus for interpretation of Fruita's pioneer settlement history.

The CRNHA is a non-profit, tax exempt 501 (c) (3) organization governed by a board of Trustees who serves without remuneration.  The board is comprised of community and professional leaders who have an interest in Capitol Reef National Park